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中秋月圆 | 国教院、哈尔科夫学院中外师生欢聚一堂做月饼庆双节

来源 : 国际教育学院(国际学生管理办公室)、哈尔科夫学院     作者 : 马奕晨     时间 : 2023-09-29


The fragrance of golden laurel, coinciding with the mid-autumn festival, Chinese and foreign teachers and students in Hangzhou Normal University do not feel lonely. At noon on 28th September, the School of International Education and Kharkiv Institute organized a Mid-Autumn Festival celebration for more than 30 foreign teachers and students from different countries to experience the whole process of making mooncakes so that they could understand and experience the traditional Chinese culture, feel the intense atmosphere of the festival, and spend a different Mid-Autumn Festival.

Mid-Autumn Festival


Ma Jun, Deputy Secretary of the Kharkiv Institute, explained the importance of the Mid-Autumn Festival in Chinese traditional festivals and hoped that foreign teachers from V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, students of Kharkiv Institute and international students from all over the world of the School of International Education would use this festive activity as an opportunity to deepen exchanges and cultural communion.

Mid-Autumn Festival


Foreign teachers and students actively learned how to make them during the production process. Chinese and foreign teachers and students communicated with each other while making the food to enhance their relationship. Under the guidance of the pastry chef of the canteen, they kneaded the dough, pressed it, glued the powder and put it into the mold, and one mooncake was shaped, which looked quite lovely. Finally, the pastry chef uniformly put the baking tray full of mooncakes into the oven, and in a short time the rich aroma filled the surroundings; the golden mooncakes came out of the range, and the teachers and students present couldn't wait to take pictures and taste their hand-made mooncakes. They all expressed excitement about participating in this Chinese cultural experience and would like to share this unforgettable moment with their families.

Mid-Autumn Festival


The Ukrainian teachers, who came to China for the first time, learned and seriously experienced the process of making mooncakes. They said they were pleased to share the traditional Chinese festivals and the making of pastries right after they arrived in China.


WONG YI WEN from Malaysia said that the mooncake-making activity was exciting, allowing us to experience traditional Chinese festivals and the joy of making mooncakes ourselves!


Zhou Qi, from class 212 of Chemical Engineering (Chinese-foreign cooperation), said that today's Mid-Autumn Festival activity allowed us to make different kinds of mooncakes, which not only allowed us to understand the process of making mooncakes but also let foreign friends feel the atmosphere of Mid-Autumn Festival. This activity brought teachers and students from all over the world together to celebrate the festive season, accompanied by the fragrance of osmanthus flowers in September, and to send good wishes.


As the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day are celebrated, the School organizes Chinese and foreign teachers and students to celebrate together, enhancing communication and understanding. At the same time, it also helps Chinese students to tell a good story about China with their behavior. Foreign teachers and students to further understand and experience the traditional Chinese culture and have a deeper perception of China.


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