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来源 : 国际教育学院(国际学生管理办公室)、哈尔科夫学院     作者 : 韩萌萌     时间 : 2021-11-10

王园朝 教授







3.基于基质固相分散-毛细管电泳-电化学发光法高灵敏度检测食物中兽药残留(2012C37011),浙江省科技厅计划项目, 2012-2014
4.一类新型毛细管电色谱整体柱固定相的设计、制备和应用研究(Y406237),浙江省自然科学基金项目, 2008-2010 
5.毛细管电泳电化学发光法在除草剂农残分析中的应用研究(2007F70051),浙江省科技厅计划项目, 2007-2008 
7.建构主义学习理论指导下的基于网络的课堂教学模式在《分析化学》教学中的应用,浙江省教育厅高等教育教学改革项目, 2013-2015
8.校企结合-三层次”化学化工类应用型人才创新实践能力培养模式的探讨与构建,浙江省教育厅高等教育教学改革项目, 2015-2017

1. Yihuan Song, Qingfang Ma, Heyong Cheng*, Jinhua Liu, Yuanchao Wang*, Simultaneous enrichment of inorganic and organic species of lead and mercury in pg L-1 levels by solid phase extraction online combined with high performance liquid chromatography and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, Analytica Chimica Acta, 2021, 1157:338388 (SCI 二区)
2. Danyu Zhang, Shiwei Yang, Qingfang Ma, Jiannan Sun, Heyong Cheng*, Yuanchao Wang, Jinhua Liu*, Simultaneous multi-elemental speciation of As, Hg and Pb by  inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry interfaced with high-performance liquid chromatography, Food Chemistry, 2020, 313: 126119 (SCI 一区)
3. Shiwei Yang, Danyu Zhang, Heyong Cheng*, Yuanchao Wang, Jinhua Liu*,Graphene oxide as an efficient adsorbent of solid-phase extraction for online preconcentration of inorganic and organic mercurials in freshwater followed by HPLC-ICP-MS determination,
Analytical Chimica Acta, 2019, 1074:54-61 (SCI 二区)
4. HeyongCheng, Wenwen Zhang, Yuanchao Wang*, Jinhua Liu*, Interfacing nanoliter liquid chromatography and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry with an in-column high-pressure nebulizer for mercury speciation, Journal of Chromatography A, 2018, 1575:59-65 (SCI 二区)
5. Jiabei Wu, Jiannan Sun, Heyong Cheng*, Jinhua Liu, Yuanchao Wang*, Analysis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by capillary electrochromatography by using capillary columns packed with polycyclic- aromatic-hydrocarbon-specific particles,  Separation Science Plus, 2018, 1:446-453 (SCI 四区)
6. Hongyan Zhao, Yizhou, Wang, Zhang danyu, Heyong Cheng, Yuanchao Wang*,  Electrochromatographic performance of graphene and graphene oxide modified silica particles packed capillary columns in Electrophoresis. Electrophoresis. 2018. 39:933-940
(SCI 三区)
7. Heyong Cheng, Xiaopan Chen, Lihuan Shen, Yuanchao Wang*, Zigang Xu, Jinhua Liu*, Ion-pairing reversed-phase chromatography coupled to inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry as a tool to determine mercurial species in freshwater fish, Journal of Chromatography A, 2018, 1531:104–111 (SCI 二区)
8. Hongyan Zhao, Yizhou, Wang, Heyong Cheng, Yuanchao Wang*, Fabrication of single-walled carbon nanohorns incorporated a monolithic column for capillary electrochromatography. J. Sep. Sci. 2017. 40: 3343- 3350 (SCI 三区)
9. Hongyan Zhao, Yuanchao Wang*, Heyong Cheng, Yili Shen, Graphene oxide decorated monolithic column as stationary phase for capillary electrochromatography, Journal of Chromatography A, 2016,1452:27-35  (SCI 二区)
10. Heyong Cheng, Jinhua Liu*, Zigang Xu, Yuanchao Wang*, Meiying Ye, Improving sensitivity for microchip electrophoresis interfaced with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry using parallel multichannel separation, Journal of Chromatography A, 2016, 1461:198–204  (SCI 二区)
11. Chao Han, Jiannan Sun, Jinhua Liu, Heyong Cheng* and Yuanchao Wang,A pressure-driven capillary electrophoretic system with injection valve sampling,Analyst, 2015. 140. 162-173 (SCI 二区)
12. Jiannan Sun, Dan Wang, Heyong Cheng*, Jinhua Liu*, Yuanchao Wang, Zigang Xu. Use of ion-pairing reagent for improving iodine speciation analysis in seaweed by pressure-driven capillary electrophoresis and ultraviolet detection. Journal of Chromatography A, 2015,1379, 112-117 (SCI 二区)
13. Cheng Cai, Heyong Cheng, Yuanchao Wang*, Haifeng Bao. Mercaptosuccinic acid modified CdTe quantum dots as a selective fluorescence sensor for Ag+ determination in aqueous solutions. RSC Advances, 2014. 4. 59157–59163 (SCI 三区)
14. Cheng Cai, Heyong Cheng and Yuanchao Wang*, Determination of pretilachlor in soil and rice using matrix solid-phase dispersion extraction by capillary electrophoresis with field amplified sample injection and electrochemiluminescence detection, Anal. Methods, 2014, 6(8), 2767-2773  (SCI 三区)
15. Cheng Cai, Heyong Cheng, Yuanchao Wang∗, Minyan Yang, Yiming Yang,Simultaneous determination of four β2-agonist residues in pig feed and urine by capillary electrophoresis with field amplified sample injection and electrochemiluminescent detection,Anal. Methods, 2013, 5, 4978-4983  (SCI 三区)

1. 王园朝,赵红岩,程和勇,氧化石墨烯键合的毛细管电色谱整体柱及其制备方法,中国发明专利ZL 201610058290.4,授权日期:2018.5.15
2. 王园朝,赵红岩,程和勇,单壁碳纳米角修饰的毛细管电色谱整体柱及其制备方法,中国发明专利 ZL 201610634701.X,授权日期:2018.8.24
3. 王园朝,吴琼,蔡诚,一种毛细管电色谱整体柱及其制备方法,中国发明专利,ZL 2010 1 0108811.5,授权日期:2012.05.30

1. 《综合化学实验》,中国化工出版社,主编,2018年
2. 《新编仪器分析实验》,中国科学出版社,副主编,2016年

1. 糖基化合物制备关键技术及在Lamivudine系列产品产业化中的应用,教育部高等学校科学技术进步“二等奖”,第12完成人,2014年
2. 分析化学精品课程网站及网站管理系统与课程资源网站,浙江省高校教师教育技术成果“一等奖”,负责人,2014年
3. “一机制-二体系-三结合”化学化工类应用型人才培养模式的构建与实践,校第八届教学成果“一等奖”,负责人,2016年
4. “一中心-二融合-三强化”混合式教学模式在《分析化学》课程教学中的实践,校第九届教学成果“二等奖”,负责人,2019年
5. 教学十佳,杭州师范大学,2016年

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